Tierlist... on Skins!

This is a tierlist based on the best skin a champion has, combined with how good skin combos can get with their existing skins! This list was made by a general consensus between me, Aura2020, HugoDudo, and WantedWarlock.

Starting from the top, we have Willo, whose Hemlock skin is hands-down the best skin in the game. Only HugoDudo disagreed with this, preferring Inara's Ice Walker.

Next, Evie was a clear high tier pick, with an abundance of amazing skins (Troublemaker, Bewitching, Merrymaker) and an excellent combination potential. Maeve is also very high up due to Raeve being voted as the 2nd best skin in the game and also having a nice option in Dreamhack.

Drogoz is next, with Dreadhunter and Terromorph (which is also easily obtained) taking center stage. Although they are similar, both are undoubtedly top tier skins which completely change Drogoz's look. His skin combo potential is also one of the best of all the champions. My personal favorite is Dreadhunter head and weapon, with cosmic body. Bomb King also has a great arsenal of skins, but not really getting any love recently from Hi-Rez hurts knocks him down a bit. Pump-King is still one of the best (and most exclusive) skins in the game and Biz-King is also pretty sweet. As mentioned before, Inara's Ice Walker skin is one of the best in the game, voted as the #3 skin in the game by us. She doesn't really have much else to show off though.

Going down one tier, we have Fernando, whose FN-01 (both skins) looks amazing both in the loading screen and in action. His God of War skin is also possibly the most forgotten about skin in the whole game, but let's not forget it was regarded as the pinnacle of all skins around 30 or so patches ago. Next, Grover is going to get a lot of love for his hit Doom Shroom skin, which was much needed after a long period of no cosmetics for him from Hi-Rez. Buck has two similar but classic skins in Kingpin and Hitman, and another unique one in Buck Wild. He also has the most rare skins in the game, and they all look pretty similar but it's nice having so many cheap combination skins. Pip doesn't have many epic skins, but Invader is a unique skin and Raider is also a more accessible but nonetheless looks great. He also has a large amount of skin combinations, with my personal favorite being Raider helmet, Invader body, and Rooster Brewster weapon. Cassie is also a classic option with Night Bane and Blood Moon for a old-fashioned feel and Sun-Kissed for a cool summer vibe.

In the next tier, we have Ruckus, with Star Slayer really being his only claim to fame. It's a good concept, but looks a little clunky. The lasers are amazing however. Seris got her first epic skin in Infernal which has marvelous art, but we agreed it looked a little out of place. It's nevertheless one of the best skins healers have. Kinessa was much lower before Star Silver skin was released, and even though it's a recolor of Nova Strike, it looks wonderful on her and can be easily combined. Lex is next, and his Longboard skin gives him basically the same feel as Sun-Kissed Cassie.

In A tier, we have mostly the mediocre champion skins. Skye has a lot of skins, but besides Heartbreaker they mostly fall short, with Kunochi not really providing the oriental feel it was meant to. Makoa's Volcanic skin looks good but doesn't really provide a spectacular difference. His Plushy and Cuddly skins are cute, but look out of place in Paladins. Viktor has a ton of skins, but they're mostly generic with the recent V1KTOR skin being the only different (futuristic) one. Sha Lin has Burrito and Vigilante, but he falls because Burrito doesn't exist as a team anymore and Vigilante isn't a very exceptional skin. Torvald really only has one skin in Clockwork, which I believe to be the most criminally underrated skin in Paladins. It's a really wonderful skin which makes him look like a old-timey genius. However, we didn't all agree on that, with Aura2020 even voting him down to C tier which dragged him down a ton. Barik has a lot of skins, but they really all kinda look the same. Swashbuckler is really the only one with a huge difference but it's not really that well designed and makes Barik's body parts look disproportional.

Heading down again, we find Androxus. This may be a bit low for Androxus, but we agreed that Steam Demon just wasn't living up to it's expectations and Exalted is basically just a fancy recolor. Ash basically only has Ronin, which doesn't really fit her personality.

In B tier, we find some newer champions who haven't been out long enough to get a lot of skins. Starting with Zhin, Conqueror is a simple skin which fits Zhin, but is very bland. It's also his only epic skin. Lian is also a newer champion, and it shows with her only having the Goddess skin, which doesn't really offer much uniqueness from her basic skins. Ying is definitely not new, but aside from her HRX skin (which is no longer obtainable and was very rare even when it was), she doesn't really have other fantastic skins. Genie was a huge swing and miss and Snapdragon is really just a fancy recolor. Mal'Damba also suffers from what I'm going to call healer syndrome, not getting a lot of creative skins from Hi-Rez. His Chancellor skin is average at best and his new Halloween skin is extremely disappointing, basically just a more wrinkled version of his basic skin. Another new champion is Strix, whose halloween Raven skin takes him out of the basement but nothing more.

Now C tier, we have the least loved champion in the game, Grohk. Seriously he has been around since the Alpha but Hi-Rez has given him zero love. He has exactly zero epic skins and his only slightly unique cosmetic is the Heartthrob staff.  The only reason he isn't D tier is because he has a decent selection of rare and uncommon skins. Next is Tyra, who I don't really think deserves to be this low, but admittedly, Dire Wolf is possibly the worst epic skin ever made and Baroness is just a recolor (I wouldn't even call it fancy).

And now the champions with the worst skins in the game. As expected, Talus, the newest champion is here, but that's only because he's very new and hasn't gotten any skins. Although Jenos is newer he suffers from the same dilemma.

That's it! I will possibly being doing the same thing but for emotes depending on the reception of this one so let me know below how you liked this and any feedback you have!


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