Tierlist... on Skins!
This is a tierlist based on the best skin a champion has, combined with how good skin combos can get with their existing skins! This list was made by a general consensus between me, Aura2020, HugoDudo, and WantedWarlock. Starting from the top, we have Willo , whose Hemlock skin is hands-down the best skin in the game. Only HugoDudo disagreed with this, preferring Inara's Ice Walker. Next, Evie was a clear high tier pick, with an abundance of amazing skins (Troublemaker, Bewitching, Merrymaker) and an excellent combination potential. Maeve is also very high up due to Raeve being voted as the 2nd best skin in the game and also having a nice option in Dreamhack. Drogoz is next, with Dreadhunter and Terromorph (which is also easily obtained) taking center stage. Although they are similar, both are undoubtedly top tier skins which completely change Drogoz's look. His skin combo potential is also one of the best of all the champions. My personal favorite is Dreadh...